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Chapter Recruitment

Kappa Kappa Gamma is more than just a sorority; it is a home away from home. I came to the university of Arizona from all the way across the country, knowing no one. Although I have moved many times, I had never lived on the West Coast and was nervous to find the people who would make Arizona feel like a home. I was so fortunate during recruitment to meet both my G-Big and my Big. The day that I met my Big, during sisterhood round, I knew that if the rest of Kappa was similar to her, that is where I wanted to be. Within Kappa, I have found my home in Arizona.       

Kappa has introduced me to a group of girls who are always putting their best foot forward. Whether it is within their own academics, through philanthropy, or supporting their friends, the girls in Kappa always strive to be their best. It is very intimidating to move to a new place, especially knowing no one. But, putting yourself out there through recruitment is one of the best pieces of advice I can offer. Joining Kappa gave me a home away from home and my very own found family. College would not have been as amazing as it has been thus far without my Kappa friends and family.

My last year in Kappa will be filled with bittersweet moments but, I am excited to cherish all the time I have left surrounded by my 300+ sisters. I will never be able to repay Kappa Kappa Gamma for all that the chapter has given me. I am so beyond excited to possibly meet each and every one of you in the fall and for you to create so many amazing memories!


Emme Applefeld

Recruitment Chairman 2024